Are Migraines doing your head in? 

 Do you sometimes feel like your head’s about to explode? 

After having lived with a migraine sufferer for many years, I know firsthand how debilitating migraines can be. My husband’s severe migraines were mainly due to many neck and head injuries incurred over the years. After discovering complementary practitioners Terry and Tanja Murphy who were able to relieve his severe migraines using KST (Koren Specific Technique), we were dismayed to learn they were leaving Hawkes Bay and moving countries.

I’d always had an interest in nutrition and natural remedies, but I hadn’t actively pursued it. This changed in 2010 when I started studying complementary therapies including KST. As a result, our lives have truly changed for the better. I feel so blessed that I am now able to positively help others change their lives by offering KST to clients.  

I recently helped a person who’d had a migraine come on at work in the morning. Never having experienced one before, he wisely got checked out at the Doctor – classic migraine diagnosis, vision issues, wicked headache, nausea.  A family member then brought him to see me in the afternoon. Did KST, within 10 minutes of starting, eyes cleared and then headache went – nausea had cleared earlier. Just felt tired and ready for a good sleep.

Another client – a 3 week migraine, extensively checked out through medical system, treatment option “meds”. Client not keen to take and wanted to pursue other avenues first, came into my rooms head spinning, feeling sick, headache, all the usual migraine symptoms ……. Cleared.
No drugs required.

There’s more stories I could share, I do hope you get my passion to work with people with migraines! Many factors can lead to a migraine from injuries, traumas, allergies and intolerances to name just a few. There’s many more – everyone’s different and it’s about working out what’s right for you and listening to the wisdom of your body.

Terry and Tanya have since returned to Hawkes Bay and are fabulous mentors for me, everything happens for a reason – that’s a story for another day. I’m feeling really excited to be heading off to another KST training conference in Indianapolis over the next few weeks and looking forward to coming back with new knowledge and skills to share with more people.  
KST can help for many things, to find out if KST may be right for you, please contact Robin. Always seek your own medical advice and make sure you get fully checked out by your doctor, this article is meant for information  purposes only. 

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