Men’s Health

Reducing your risk of Dementia

Two trees shaped as heads signifying dementia

Over the last few weeks, we’ve spent many hours getting the right level of care sorted for my mother-in-law, who has dementia.  This is round two, as my adopted mum also went on this difficult journey. As everyone knows, it is not an easy or fun road for anyone; the person with dementia or their

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Welcoming in the Spring Equinox

A ritual for spring equinox

Since ancient times, people have celebrated the arrival of spring or autumn at the equinox.  Every six months, in March and again in September, an equinox splits the Earth’s day almost in half, giving us around 12 hours of daylight and 12 of night. This year, our spring Equinox falls on 23 September. Bernadette Bekker,

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Is it time to start fitting out?

Time to start fitting out

How often do we live our lives trying to fit in?  Striving endlessly to be that person we think we should be? Rather than being our real authentic selves?  Is it time to start fitting out?    Living our life in ‘fit in’ mode is detrimental to our wellbeing.  It can be downright tiring, adding

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How to thrive during Dry July

Wine being poured

I was recently asked, Can I go through a detox when I stop drinking every day, and how long will it last? The answer is yes and it will be different for everyone. So if you’re thinking #dryjuly, you might want to read on! It’s not just our physical wellbeing that is affected. Often we use

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The underlying cause that could be causing your stress at work

The underlying cause that could be causing you stress at work

When I reflect  on the challenges clients that I’ve coached have faced, there’s been a load of issues around the workplace. A common theme that’s shown up has been “feeling stuck”, a feeling of not being able to move forward or to make changes. On the treadmill and not able to get off. ​ ​​ ​Issues can show up as overwhelm, feelings of not coping, anxiety or depression whic […]

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