When I reflect on the challenges clients that I’ve coached have faced, there’s been a load of issues around the workplace. A common theme that’s shown up has been “feeling stuck”, a feeling of not being able to move forward or to make changes. On the treadmill and not able to get off. Issues can show up as overwhelm, feelings of not coping, anxiety or depression whic […]
Women’s Health
You’re not alone if you’re confused by the smoothie and juicing hype and don’t really know why you’d do one over the other. Will this really lead to a healthier life? Or, perhaps you’re wondering what’s the difference? I was recently asked “When you say juicing, do you mean just squeezing the life out of the fruit and veg in a juicer or chopping it up finely in a nutri bullet type thing and drinking all of it? It seems like such a waste throwi […]
The day was drawing to a close. 2017 was nearly done. I’d walked the tracks in my neighbouring reserve many times before and was out with our dog Jax for my last reserve walk in 2017. I thought I knew all the tracks. I decided to walk further than usual, it was fabulous being out in one of my favourite places in nature. Next minute, Jax dived off down a bank in a different direction to the way we were going. For some reason, I decided to follow her and noticed a path that I didn’t kn […]
It’s the time of year when overwhelm can creep up on you. Those words are flying around in your head that “everything has to be done by Christmas (who knows why??!) and you’re struggling to cope. Before you know it or realise what’s going on, it happens. You’re constantly tired, there never seems to be enough hours in the day, brain fog has crept in and you can’t think straight. Bang! I’ve been hearing a similar story lately from a number of women; after a […]